
Tutorial overview: The Use Case pattern language

Use cases are a wonderfully simple concept, describe a system´s functional requirements by telling stories about how its usage delivers value to its actors. Yet, for such a simple concept, good use cases are really hard to write. Use case authors frequently must deal with the difficult questions of:

Usually the answers to most of these questions must be prefixed with a very unsatisfying "Well it depends...".

Starting with OOPSLA 98, a group of use case practitioners began contributing to the development of a use case pattern language. The pattern language tries to capture the knowledge and experience of successful use case developers such that it can be easily re-used by other use case developers. Patterns can capture of the solution to a difficult problem and cope with the fuzziness necessary with the answers to these questions.

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This topic is of benefit to anyone who has tried to write use cases and has found it difficult, frustrating, and has not been satisfied with the results. This includes: developers, technical managers, business analysts, product managers, requirements engineers and anyone else who has a need to prepare or understand use cases.'