
Evolutionary computer-aided prototyping system (CAPS)

Mantak Shing, Nader Nada, Lucia Luqi, Valdis Berzins, Naval Postgraduate School, USA

CAPS (Computer-Aided Prototyping System) is an integrated set of software tools that generate source programs directly from real-time requirements. The CAPS system uses a fifth-generation prototyping language to model the communication structure, timing con-straints, I/O control, and data buffering that comprise the requirements for an embedded software system. The language supports the specification of hard real-time systems with reusable components from domain specific reusable component libraries. CAPS has been used successfully as a research tool in prototyping large war-fighter control systems (e.g. the command-and-control station, cruise missile flight control system, patriot missile defense systems) and demonstrated its capability to support the development of large complex embedded software. '