
Aspect-oriented programming with AspectJ

Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is a technique for improving separation of concerns in software design and implementation. AOP works by providing explicit mechanisms for capturing the structure of crosscutting concerns.

AspectJ is a seamless aspect-oriented extension to Java. It can be used to cleanly modularize the crosscutting structure of concerns such as exception handling, multi-object protocols, synchronization, performance optimizations, and resource sharing.

When implemented in a non-aspect-oriented fashion, the code for these concerns typically becomes spread out across entire programs. AspectJ controls such code-tangling and makes the underlying concerns more apparent, making programs easier to develop and maintain.

This tutorial will introduce AOP and show how to use AspectJ to implement crosscutting concerns in a concise, modular way. We will use numerous examples to develop participants´ understanding of AOP through AspectJ. We will also demonstrate AspectJ´s integration with IDEs such as JBuilder 4.0 and Forte4J, and emacs. '