
Component Architectures for Web-based Enterprise Application Development

Workshop moderators: Ali Arsanjani and Gilda Pour

With the ubiquity of web-based systems and the accelerated pace of web-enabling enterprise application systems, a new breed of architectures have been cultivated that address the need for high quality with the pressures of time-to-market in a web-based economy. In many cases these best-practices are emerging that enable enterprises to deliver value to their growing and changing customer base in web time.

The Workshop on Component Architectures for Web-based Enterprise Application Development is soliciting position papers that describe participants´ experiences and "e;battle stories"e; in designing and implementing component-based architectures for e-business on an enterprise scale.

In many cases, a combination of technologies, techniques and methods are employed to construct a viable solution that balances the forces and decisions that have to be made to construct robust and stable web-based component-architectures.

To realize robust, scalable and reliable component architectures, changes may need to occur in five main dimensions of organization, methodology, architecture, reusable implementation technologies and infrastructure. In many cases additions to current thinking is needed to realize components in the context of enterprise systems that were not designed nor implemented with this paradigm.

The workshop will mine out patterns, best-practices in the form of problem/solution pairs along with the decision points and design criteria that were employed to make trade-offs and realize scalable, high-performance, secure and extensible web-based systems. '